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Why tilt and Turn Windows became mainstream Windows? Here is the reason

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-26      Origin: Site

Tilt and Turn Windows is a type of Windows that can be opened in two ways using hardware. Tilt and Turn Windows is not so mysterious as it may enhance the living experience of some people. It is also not so complex, in the production process besides assembling hardware precision requirement is a few higher outside the rest is almost the same as outside open window. Tilt and Turn Windows is also inexpensive. Tilt and Turn Windows costs only one more piece of hardware than the same Windows. The only magic part of tilt and Turn Windows is the hardware that makes it work: Through a set of inward-opening and inward-turning hardware system between the sash (corner drive, diagonal pull rod, coupling block, turnover support block, anti-misoperation device, lock point lock seat, etc.) to achieve inward-opening and inward-opening sash two ways.


The invention of the hardware system, the function of the doors and Windows to achieve the superposition: The inverted case is conducive to ventilation, not afraid of the general rain, the open can strengthen ventilation, convenient scrubing, convenient to do external shading to reduce building energy consumption and no outside window risk consumers in the purchase of this window type, Tilt and Turn Windows has a geographic bias.

In Europe, the birthplace of modern doors and Windows, since the founder of German Noto ° invented the world's first tilt and Turn Windows hardware, it has gradually occupied half of the European door business.

Tilt and Turn Windows has a geographic bias: more customers in the north than in the South, due to a complex climate and the short history of Windows and doors for homes and buildings

Because the climate environment is cold, the door function requirements are higher than the south (there are 3 seals in the opening and pouring, which may be more than one outside the window, and the sealing performance is high; Tilt and Turn Windows had the advantage of easy access to handlebars because of its thick walls and competitive windowsills. And because there is demand, do this kind of large door and window enterprises (tooling door and window enterprises (home decoration).

Strengths and weaknesses of Tilt and Turn Windows.

Before summarizing some shopping tips for tilt and Turn Windows installation, let's take a look at the pros and cons of Tilt and Turn Windows.


The advantages, compared with sliding Windows or outside Windows, are mainly three points of ventilation mentioned above: in the case of inverted is conducive to ventilation, not afraid of general rain, in the state of open can strengthen ventilation.

Cleaning: inside open state, easy to scrub; Safety: it is more anti-theft than open Windows in the case of upside down, and there is no disadvantage of wind falling out of open Windows, compared with open Windows by pushing and pulling.

Tilt and turn Windows window curtain boxes should be widened so that the curtains are not too close to the window and cannot be inverted.

When in use: When the window is opened inside, it may occupy the interior space and children may run into the window corner.

People who are not familiar with Tilt and Turn Windows are likely to misoperate the Windows, causing them to partially fall off (Windows are not at risk of falling off and can be repaired themselves).

Disadvantages, compared with pushing and pulling the window, there are three points:

Before installation: need to consider the height of the ceiling in advance, or curtain box, wall lamp, cabinet and other impact on the layout of the window, window curtain boxes were widened so that they were not too close to the window to fall in.

When in use: When the window is opened inside, it may occupy the interior space and children may run into the window corner. Not familiar with The use of Tilt and Turn Windows, it is possible to misoperate the Windows and cause them to partially fall off (Windows are not at risk of falling off and can be repaired themselves).

To sum up, Tilt and Turn Windows is a great example of one-size-fits-all Windows that, when used properly, can be cheap for both north and South.

(Tilt and Turn Windows instead of standard Windows) improve the living experience.